2008년 10월 16일 목요일

your heart

If your heart is yours, it should be handled in the way you want.

But, you can never handle your heart in the way you want to feel it.
So, it is not yours.

But, since no one else would look after it, you would determine to do it.

2008년 7월 16일 수요일

what God means by me

I believe, when God created me, he privileged me from the worst corners of a life. I've never lost a parent, never been shot by an accidental bullet over an army base wall, never been diagnosed as leukaemia. In my understanding, it means that God wants me to feel with and help the others in those disasters I was privileged from. The law of conservation of mass. I am situated here without the worst pain in order to share the others'.

I know this. I cannot help knowing this.
God eliminated jags of rock on my road to walk, but he has given me a lot of pricks in my heart. So, when you cry, I know what it feels like. See? I am meant to be the one to comprehend this world of sadness and the people living in it.

a motherless home

I haven't felt this way for a while.
Being home alone makes me miss mother.

There is a lonesome scene: I keep watching the clock, and wait for mum to come home.

And one old repetory: Eating at grandma's table doesn't heal my mummysickness.

I fancy a sweet cozy home where my mother welcomes me from the snowy outside.

2008년 6월 13일 금요일

Wichita, Kansas

Wichita, Kansas, is as nice a town as any to take a train ride through, I can tell you from first-hand experience. But, there's not much more to it than that, I'm afraid. after departing the downtown station, the buildings quickly decline in stature until you are rolling--at an odd angle to the cross-streets--through a residential district populated by one- and two-story houses and schools. And it's not long before you leave even this behind, venturing out into the open country side. The one remarkable aspect of the trip happens, anti-climatically, right at the outset. Warren Buffet's newly built headquarters (did you know that he relocated from Omaha?), situated adjacent to the downtown train station, is a must see. It is a formidable and stylish red-brick box of a building which includes a sort of swinging mechanical arm that streaches out over the train tracks. This au courant flourish offsets nicely the traditional formality of the brick facade, creating an architectural effect that is hard to pigeon-hole--or to miss! So, next time you find yourself in Wichita on a business trip or because of some kind of airline scheduling disaster, be sure to check out Buffet's building. But I wouldn't be in a rush to plan your honeymoon here.


GTA4 was, in a word, a disappointment. It is not really a video game for the XBox and Playstation platforms, like its predecessors. Instead, it is a sort of board game that comes as a large rolled-up map that you place on your bed. You do not control an avatar, going wherever you please through a graphic-rich, 3-D environment designed to look and feel (and smell) like New York City, laying waste to cars, pedestrians and moral taboos at will. Instead, you move a sort of mini skateboard around the map, and, if you leave the skateboard in one place for long enough, a hologram image of an urban street scape will load in that area. While the hologram images are cool, they take altogether too much time to load, making the gameplay feel stilted and rather slow. In short, I got bored after about five minutes. There didn't even seem to be a point to it or a storyline to follow. Don't bother with this game, I say. Everything good you've heard about it is just hype.